Saturday, May 21, 2011

Primers Annealing Time

Hi .... I'm here. NOVA TRINITAT

Hi, folks: I've been a few days without a computer,,, I have been fatal, but now I'm going to get even.

nearly four years ago that I'm working with ORDI, without compassion, and is tired of me.

was going so slow that morning, when I got up at 6, or 7. first thing I did was put it up ... put the coffee ... I was going to clean ... I drank my coffee, and sat, waiting for it to open the screen .... No exaggeration, I promise it's true.

When set in motion, took too long to go from one thing to another ... Well, I had my basket of needlework, jerseys .. ... blankets for my grandchildren ... etc, put me to knit ... it was impossible to work well ... I finally found a technician who has fixed me, and now an hour ago, I lost time. He told me he was so dirty inside, who does not know as I have endured so long with this SLOW,
Now, I have to learn again, because I have changed the programs, but look into it.

know what to ask for me ... thank you all for your interest.

Chelo, you see that not get rid of me, and come in every day, here or in BM
A kiss
Leonor Merana

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Golkdwell Color Chart

On Saturday May 7, discussed in the Plaza de Nou Barris, the work being done in partnerships, .... was very good, although the day did not oblige, because we were afraid of having to put the paper dress parade, but this year, Professor Neus, thought he could match the dresses of paper, cloth dresses, ... must assess the models, that his clothes were made ... without sewers. The accessories also were paper.
I, I presented the carpet taught to do, and exhibited his work Adela crafts.
We had a great, there was dancing .... singing ... and the day we respected.

Leonor (Merano)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

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This month marks two years of my BLOG
It has been two years I opened the blog, and I think it was yesterday ...
I want to thank my friends as bloggers / as, the patience they have had to endure, with the entries I posted MY AIR ... but with love.

I have already 78 fans who come, or do not, but I read ... I know.

To me, this blogg is an outlet, I need to explain my experiences ... good, sometimes ... other times not so good, but very sincere forever .. I hope to continue writing, and follow me ... Thanks Merana
hope I can go write, and follow me

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Best Place To Get A Wax In New Orleans



Sunday, April 24, 2011

Wedding Money Tree Verses

Daddy, how much you make per hour?. With a timid voice and eyes of admiration, a boy and his father received when he returned from work. He gave her a disapproving look and said, - Look, son, not even your mother has ever made me this question. Do not bother me, go, I come very tired and want to read the newspaper. - But Daddy insisted ....., small, please tell me how much you win for every hour worked. This time the father's reaction was less severe, and was confirmed: - 30 euros per hour. - And Daddy, you could give me 20 euros?, "continued the child. - The father, a little enjoed, replied: - "So that was the reason to know that I get ?...¡ Go to sleep and never bother me again!. At night, the man spun on his conversation with his son and felt a little guilty as he had treated. He thought maybe I needed to buy something, so I looked into his room and quietly asked: - Do you sleep? - No, replied the boy in his sleep. - Just wanted to apologize for having answered so badly before. Here's the money you asked. - Thanks Dad, "smiled the little, and putting his hands under the Pillows pulled I had some money saved there. - But tell me, why would you want? - I'm just saving to see if I can sell you an hour of your time. -------------------------------------------------- Story --------- shared on a blog. Children with simplicity and clarity that trying to solve the problem that afflicts them, and yet we, the elders who are deaf and blind sometimes.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Writing A Commercial Offer


I write the Circus of the Sun, because we need someone who knows metal cutting laser to work with us for a few days in Madrid.
would be to start now.
If anyone is interested, do not hesitate to contact me over the phone 914544210,
Hours Tuesday to Thursday from 12.00 to 20.30, Friday and Saturday from 13.30 to 22.30

Thank you for your attention

Best Regards regards, Elena Rojo

tk4.reception Reception @

+34 914 544 210

Thursday, April 21, 2011

How To Change Tail Light Housing Vw Golf


is believed that the tradition of giving at this time a pink to the woman you love probably dates to the fifteenth century. Some versions are matched this practice with roses Fair or lovers taking place in Barcelona summer. It is a fact that at that time and roses were distributed to women attending the Mass celebrated in the chapel of St. George's Palace of the Generalitat of Catalonia on this date The rose is accompanied by a landmark and an ear of wheat . The red rose symbolizes passion , the flagship the patron saint of Catalonia and the ear of corn represents fertility .

Thursday, April 14, 2011

8 Month Baby Has Red Eye



A English study with young adults, those who took sage oil extract were able to recall more words in a memory test. Sage contains phytochemicals that prevent rupture of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, involved in learning and choline.
A handful of blueberries a day can help to increase up to 26% memory, at least that's what it says a UK study that was conducted older mice.

These shellfish are low in fat are high in iron and Omega 3 fatty acids provide that keep your brain fit. In a study of women at the University of Pennsylvania, found that women with iron deficiency insignificant to be classified as anemia, are likely to lose memory and forgetting where things are. When increased iron levels, improved test results.

asparagus are rich in folate, a B vitamin that helps to reduce the presence of the amino acid homocysteine. When it rises, it affects brain function and cardiovascular health. In a French study of 4,000 people found the connection between low

folate levels and cognitive performance.

folate and cognitive performance.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What Is The Cost Of Yonex A


A representative of the Department of Agriculture of Aragon visit a farm and talks with its owner, a man already advanced in years.
Tells the owner who wishes to inspect their water. The old man tells him that well, but please do not pass through the fenced.
The representative, demonstrating his authority as handsome and supported worthy officer, says:
Look, grandfather
I have the ultimate authority government to fully represent, and this "meat" that you see here qualifies me to go where I please, get involved in any property that I fancy, be it from anyone, without question, and I must not give answers.
do you understand me or did I not able to explain?
The old man just shrugged and continued with her chores.

After a while, the farmer heard screams and gets to see the employee running for his life, followed closely by a bull stud. The
bull is gaining ground and the type, terrified her lungs for help.

The old man immediately drops everything she was doing and going to the fence, yelling at her:


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Gerard Way Skelleton Pijama


HE STARTED TODAY MY KIND OF PHOTOSHOP, in association with Victor neighboring

and I very happy, because I understand very well what the teacher explained to us, because were few students, and we explained it very well.

had already gone to Photoshop class in which I Sedet tapestry, but there were many students and for teacher Mili, although wanted to meet us at all, I lost ... well advanced, and not get caught.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Stockings Women Models

A girl came to the airport, waiting for your flight and had to wait a long time, decided to buy a book and a packet of biscuits.
Then he went and sat in the waiting room to relax and read quietly ...
seat in the middle, stood a man who opened a magazine and started reading.
Among them were the cookies. When she took the first, the man also took one!
She was shocked but said nothing. He thought: "How brazen!, If I were more willing, to give him a blow to never forget" and every time she took a cookie, the man took one.
That bothered so that he could not concentrate or react.
When only one cookie remained, she thought: "What will the abuser now?".
So the man divided the last cookie and left a half for her.
Oh No!. That will seemed too much. He began to sweat for rabies, closed her book, her things and headed for the Shipping Sector ...
As he sat inside the plane, looked inside the bag and to his surprise, there was
your packet of biscuits! intact cerradito, siintió so embarrassed!
Only Then he heard how wrong I was. I had forgotten that her cookies were
stored inside your bag!.
The man had shared their own without feeling angry, nervous, disturbed or altered.
And there was no time or chance to explain or apologize, but to reason.
• How many times in our lives we draw conclusions when we should see better?
• How many things are not exactly like we think about the people?
He recalled that there are four things in life that do not recover:
• A stone, after it was launched;
• A word having been uttered;
• An opportunity, after having lost it;

• The time, after having passed.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

How To Make A Tractor Cakes


THIS GREAT WOMAN ... also deserves an award for the effort, collaboration and delivery
in teaching.

Montse, I know you do not like to talk to you, but from experience I know that teaching people from different cultures, it is very difficult because you must double the effort to understand you.
Now, I teach to make carpets in the association, and if it is difficult to teach, even more difficult is if you do not speak your language, but with good will, all is achieved.

A kiss Montse
Leonor (Merano)

Southpark Quotes Fish Sticks Quotes


When I went to the manor of TRINITAT VELLA, gave me a form of questions, for my aunt, who answered with pleasure, because I know very well ... and I love it.

Here are entering their sixth book, in its presentation

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Effect Of Drinking Amp


This afternoon, I went to see my teacher, Montse, the TRINITAT VELLA, which
owe everything I know computer, because when I started about 4 years ago, no
could neither catch the mouse.

She patiently taught me how to post pictures, create folders, save files ... Today, they made a computer conference, among other things, ... I had a
great, I've seen my former colleagues, ... I have given a form with
few questions for my Aunt Teresa Guardiola, referring to his books, which were all about nutrition. And I will contact her to answer questions, and post it as soon as the see, and respond to those questions.

Who Is Melina Velbas Bra Co



is an honor for me is the niece of the great women I admire.
Pictured is the Mas de Can Cortés (Palau Solita i Plegamans), giving a lecture ...

born on 14 May 1919, or who is 92 years. He studied medicine at the University of Barcelona. He went to Venezuela in 1951.
was chief of Obstetrics, Hospital Vargas, San Cristóbal and later managed the Hospital Services and Public Health Center Dario Marquez of Venezuela. In 1965 he organized the Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Preparation Services Maternal Hospital del Mar de Barcelona has written several books, including NEW TECHNIQUE OF FOOD
In 1939, when the war was taken out the title midwife.
returned to Venezuela where he created a school of infermeria and later was responsible for Public Health. He had a car accident and was very ill, so he thought he would end up in a wheelchair . He recommended a medical spa, donde se recuperó bastante.
  Estudió Medicina Natural y es lo que mas le funcionó
  En 1965 volvió a Barcelona, donde organizó el servicio de Tocoginecología en el Hospital del Mar.
  Al cumplir los 65, se jubiló y entonces pudo dedicarse a lo que mas le gustaba.
  En la actualidad está en activo, y tiene consulta en

                                         c/Cantabria, 43, 1º D
                                          08020 BARCELONA

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Cargar Cheats Gpsphone

As you have seen, I have uploaded a slide of a work manual, which
my friend Adela does, wonderful. Has great ability to craft
and is always thinking that new thing can do ... I found that you gus
secretariats, and I've posted ... and I will upload the work at hand.

is now making some scarves of different colors, very beautiful ....
when you have a few, and the show. I publish it, because she is not informed
nuanced .... do not have time to learn to use a computer.

ADELA A kiss, and continue working.

Leonor (Merano)

Can You Wash An Egg Crate


Jamoncito AL CAVA

Ingredients for 4 people:
  • 8 Jamoncito of chicken
  • 1 onion
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 green pepper
  • 3 potatoes
  • flour 1 teaspoon
  • 1 teaspoon of curry (optional)
  • 1 glass of champagne / white wine
  • ½ cup water
  • oil, salt, pepper and parsley.

Chop the vegetables and soften in a pan with oil and a pinch of salt, while the Jamoncito salt & pepper chicken and fried in a pan until that are well golden brown, when the vegetables are poached add a teaspoon of flour, stir and add the champagne or white wine and then water.

Stir everything and add the Jamoncito to the pan, cook for 15 mins. Jamoncito are removed and crushed the sauce.

While the potatoes are cut and fried to serve with a touch of parsley sprinkled.


Friday, March 18, 2011

How To A Rainbow Puffle For Free

(Who can) ... I like family meals because I find
more intimate, and where you can enjoy after dinner, remembering experiences, and where you remember many years ago, (my sister is 83 years old, and I 81) DOS GIRLS.

enjoyed a family meal, which took great pains to prepare the meal my
sister with the help of my nephews. (I was perfect)

I uploaded a slide that you may see what we ate.
A kiss

Friday, March 11, 2011

Can You Wear Camel Boots And A Black Shirt


Salmon with Orange

800gr. Salmon in loins
Three oranges and two lemons.
Two tablespoons of sugar.
chopped parsley and extra virgin olive oil.
One tablespoon of corn flour, salt and a pinch of saffron.

Development :
Remove the skin from salmon, chop the backs into cubes and reserve. Squeeze the oranges and lemons and heated juice in a saucepan, along with the sugar until it dissolves and thickens. Add to hot juice, saffron and parsley. In a well-stocked with a little oil cook the flour, stir and add the hot juice while spinning. We let it cook for 2-3 minutes. Season the salmon cubes and passed for two minutes in the pan with little oil. When this fact we introduce them into the pot where we have the orange and lemon sauce. We let it cook for few minutes over low heat. Let stand and serve.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

What To Do For Your Gollblader When It Hurts

time ago I started classes photoshop with Mill, a very good teacher I had in the manor of Sedet where I'll mat classes now.

I left because I was overwhelmed, not understanding very well the classes ... people were very prepared, which did wonders, and I mean I had to. There I met Rosa Samarra, we when we made friends. We also met Jose, who "adopted" was sitting between Rosa and me, and sometimes as we did not understand the explanations, we cast a poor Jose manita.Yo think it had much patience, but he laughed with us, (not us).

For now I will start down in the house in my neighborhood, photoshop classes, who will give Victor, the teacher. .. I have no cure ... Why I like so much to learn?? I'll tell you ...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

When Do Yukon Change Body Style


take this opportunity to proudly present my granddaughter, with her mother, aunt and grandmother


Monday, March 7, 2011

F Tv Midnight Hot Time



take to show my granddaughter proudly, surrounded by her mother, grandmother, aunt and grandmother

Friday, March 4, 2011

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Chronic Regional Channel Radio Bio Bio and Outdoors

Outdoors: when the love of books due

Posted by Carolina Mardones {Font-family: "Calibri";} p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {margin: 0in 0in 10pt; line-height: 115%; font-size: 11pt; font-family: "Times New Roman" ;} p.MsoNoSpacing, li.MsoNoSpacing, div.MsoNoSpacing {margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt; font-size: 11pt; font-family: "Times New Roman";} div.Section1 {page: Section1;}
Enviar por correo Barbara's book Vergara Tapia shows a novel method of historiographical work that views the family as a basic unit of analysis. Not only is the individual characters but also analyzes the family as a collective group that, beyond being a private entity we know mostly for his roles on their business, their transactions, their social ties and their political leanings, press at the time and documents as the notary public, judicial and other authorities and the Chilean State Araucanía content in various funds and country files, which allow the authorities to register their work within the current trends in world historiography, ie move in his analysis from individual action to collective action.

Many other developments raised by this book, which can lead to future research and that in any case, oblige us to reflect on family relationships, daily life and privacy in the territory of Araucania in times of so-called "chilenization" or "denationalization" of its territory. Family Network and elite: The Smitmans. Angol-Los Sauces, 1870-1920 is an important book that is the result of a research thesis which will probably have to speak in the southern lands and, in particular, I am pleased to present.

Juan Cáceres Muñoz
His comments