Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Xanax And Smelly Urine

http://www.diarioelsur.net/?fecha=20101108 @ font-face {font-family: "Arial";} @ font-face {font-family: "Cambria" } @ font-face {font-family: "Comic Sans MS";} p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {margin: 0in 0in 10pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman" ;} div.Section1 { page: Section1;} were published last year in the country, 4462 books. Of these just-released our region that penalty-110, ie 2.47%, as reported by the Chilean Book Chamber. Of those 110 titles are part of some local universities with publishers Santiago.
Of the 110 editorials which appeared in 2009, 3 are in our region. Many of the titles, 14.88% are self-publishing with distribution problems, financing and sacrifices quality for advanced technologies are almost exclusive to the big publishers, inaccessible, economically, for local authors. It concluded the regional publishing activity (if any) and close the circle around major metropolitan publishers. As textiles are imported or imported appliances, books,
knowledge, culture and technology, aborting or inhibiting local creativity guarantee of existence and development of the nation, region

and its people.

As the book one of the main vehicles of knowledge and creation, editing may be difficult for most developers and researchers and, consequently, la distribución democrática del ingenioso fruto humano. La circulación del

trabajo intelectual se ve, pues,

reducido a pequeños ámbitos académicos o grupales, básicamente a través de papers y/o publicaciones exclusivas, achantándo el diálogo, el debate

y limitándose la

apropiación de la obra de la masa crítica regional. A su vez el proceso de mantención y fortalecimiento de las identidades multiculturales se inhibe, y disminuye el sentido de pertenencia, la pertinencia e impacto. La tartamudez del diálogo intellectual subsidizes cultural consumerism that restrict the occurrence elitist and the interest of a market

whose laws do not favor the content of books

but the profitability of sales. So

circulating preferably

the book good, in large chucks massify uniformantes metropolitan and globalizing discourses. We do not preach self-sufficient isolation but in the words of Gandhi build a fortress to withstand storms, but with large windows for fresh air to enter the Publishers Outdoors proposed, boldly reversing the process described briefly here. In the past 20 months we have published 20 works of poets liceanos of Tomé, a popular poet Quilleco, academics from the Universities of Concepción, Catholic, St. Thomas and Andres Bello, veterinary and homeopathic doctors, journalists from the regional press , municipal and regional awards for art. And many more that realize of the selection criteria: literary quality, usefulness and impact in the areas of science and technology, and generally reflecting the diversity of creators in the region. Consider factors of gender, youth and distribution


. Special emphasis have with graduate and undergraduate thesis on regional issues, adhere as the postulate of the Regional Development Strategy r eclama the EDR:


a economy based on production and export of natural resources to an economy based on production and appropriation of knowledge.

The Regional Development Strategy requires that the Region play a leading and dynamic role throughout the central south, a partir de nuestra riqueza académica, cultural, y diversidad productiva. Mas autores publicados, oferta mas diversa para distintos intereses, mas diálogo y debate, fortalecimiento de la industria editorial regional, estímulo a la creación ya que los escritores emergentes sabrán que sus creaciones no se asfixiarán en el silencio de la hoja boca abajo. Darwin Rodríguez Saavedra Sus comentarios a darwinrcore@hotmail.com


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