
The fragile certainties that has allowed me this house have always been dispersed in the musty, in fact that made me think that the situations are not repeated and there. And there have been those certainties which have enabled me to reach out and catch a glimpse (albeit from afar) stability. Definitely this house does not lose the opportunity to become dislodged whenever he can. Waking up today was that smell of repetition, a déjà vu

some might say, the point is that again, after a while imprecise (and it does not matter), the sea breeze on my face was what woke me, the cold wind so longed for me, that wind can only be found in the Galaxy Tomé. Thus, on opening my eyes I realized that I was in the Plaza de Armas of the city, an issue which pleased me greatly, because the Galaxy is for me a small bastion of dreams in the center of the periphery ( not forget that is the third city I love most in this world).
Although it took (perhaps because it is) puzzling me to face only his geography, provided the house has forced me to meet people, characters to be more precise, but this time everything is empty of humanity, there is no meat, everything is. Yes, look for a character in The Galaxy is very easy, here are all the (romantic dream say many), here the field huaso came to be a steward was a poet, the fisherman who brought the mountains and ended up taking some pictures mackerel The judge went on to write, the future doctor left her stethoscope and turned his back to Hippocrates to embrace Buñuel. Definitely one of this city can be required, the problem is that nobody is in my view.
Everything is bathed with an air of solitude, much like the environment that achieves Giorgio in his Metaphysical paintings Ciric (pre surrealists), to be precise, everything is as bleak as the picture "Delights of the Poet" 1913. The difference is that here is at night, however, the city has a lightness eerily green, I look around me, not moving, as it is square, geography, starting to turn slowly in front of my eyes (pure surrealism) I'm looking for anything. I remember the last time I was here was for Rafael Ampuero (
), try to find it, but as expected, does not appear.

When planning despair I see a light in the street in front is a door with a window slightly enlightened, I turn to her and I face a small "office" in your door is a sign that says: "You write love letters and the others. "I try to remember what the face needed to smile, but do not find it (no case), open the door and rings a bell. In the middle of the room, which is small and elongated, is an older man with a mustache, with the sound of "ding" looks up he had plunged into the typewriter that was in front of him on a table. He looks and smiles, says he knows I do not come with a letter, but that it bothers him a lot, in fact I said that since time is very upset with me. Le inquiero why, since not even know him, he will not let me finish my sentence and I said that we met over there by the year 1986 or 1987 and when I the opportunity to return to what I just took Rafael Ampuero. I'm surprised and I remember, try to smile again (same result), and say,
Yes, you are Alfonso Alcalde. Of course I do not know if you know that already died, I think it was for 1992. He starts to smile (to envy!) As I said, and between laughter: Do you think you can import something that I am alive or dead in their stories so far from the plausible?, Look out the window his madness is surrealism all
. I do is, and my surprise is great when I see a group of nuns making India a row taken from the waist (the famous "little train") to the beat of the conga and who guides them from behind, looking rogue is the same Nemesio Antúnez.

Darwin Rodriguez
should be noted that Darwin, with Claudio Ramirez, are the managers of the birth of the editorial "outdoors" located in Tome , which little by little has been consolidating in the area even though the statistics are hopeless: almost nobody reads in Chile and the few that do comprise half or less of what they read. You also can not ignore the numbers evacuated by the Chilean Book Chamber noted that in 2009 were published 4,462 books in the country, of which 110 are of the Bío Bío Region, ie, a modest (not to say a bad word) 2.47% and worse of that percentage should be removed a few posts from some local universities working with publishers in Santiago. This same situation makes me mad asking me to answer a few questions which he agrees with a smile (mmm ...), fill the glasses again and childbirth asking: How did the Editorial "outdoors"?
With a long gestation period that comes from the first magazines and newspapers tomecinos early nineteenth century. They blend the interests and concerns of tomecinos, of its leaders, artists, workers, artisans and intellectuals. Also in the second half of the century, artists publish books with illustrations by the artists. Highlighting the work of the Circle of Fine Arts (1947) and its founders, including writer and poet Rafael Ampuero Alfonso Mora, and many others. In the post '73 youth publish magazines and booklets to mimeograph. From there, Pisan, Egor Mardones and a few remain. From the '90s reappear periodic and sporadic publications. From 2007 begins to take shape a publishing project that is systematized from 2008 that was formally OUTDOOR Editors.
And who make up the team roster?

Claudio Ramírez, editor of two newspapers and several books. Self-taught designer, occasional poet, constant cultural manager and who is also on the Editorial Board, and is the technical manager of software and hardware.

Mardones, a prominent poet, Municipal Art Award Tome [2010], a professor of literature, the book scholarship fund, avid reader, movie buff and music lover, is the specific responsibility of proofreading and style.
Patricio Guerrero, "entomecinado" graphic designer, artist, searcher attentive reader of mysteries is the art director team.
Darwin Rodriguez, born and died in Tome where he has served for the second time 60 years, where he has performed various jobs, from soccer player to political prisoner, philosopher unfinished at the University of Concepción , storytelling and old salt bar.
of the book "Stories against amnesia "of Darwin Rodriguez in the International Book Fair of Santiago, 2010, along with actors and Isis Baeza Pantoja Erto (tomecinos, by the way). ( )
Why work since devolution or rather, from the peripheral circuit of the Chilean publishing?
There, Santiago with their trauma. Here we, with the same shoes, which look better in the town square in the metropolis.
From our home "strong walls to withstand high winds, but with large windows to receive the breeze cool "as we learn from Mahatma Gandhi, we have to claim the regional production miniaturized by the publishing market underground. This centralism is not an issue but inhibited the intellectual and the intra-regional debate from here with the world. A second criticism is our rebellion to conceive the book as a good speeches uniformity. For us is to satisfy a spiritual need essential social, encouraging discussion, tolerance and diversity.

filled the cups (for the third time) I shot the other question,
Did I, why?
Why not. It is a "natural" consequence of advanced tomecina history. While Chile is hoping the 29 year crisis of the century to industrialize, 50 years earlier, in 1865, he founded the Textile Factory Tome Bellavista in port with 14 manufacturing centers around the activity that produces the flour mill that exported to California. Tome was born in the Chilean working class, its workers learn the use of modern machinery, and learn about "foreign experts" emancipatory ideas brought from Europe in the Industrial Revolution: Anarchism, the proudhionismo, Marxism ...

as, insist tomecinos learned early on to use the tools (manufacture) and machine (industry) to increase arm strength in times of transition there is a need to enhance the strength of mind, Tomé, people are able potential to do so throughout the book. In this object is synthesized arm strength with the strength of mind.
Hey, and here among us, from here it does not, is it sustainable from the economic standpoint, having a publisher in Chile today? (and peripheral).

bet it does. Although I would recommend a consultant Corfo. It is more cost effective to have a circus of wild beasts or write self-help texts, or license the sale of jars with water in the cemeteries for November 1st.

Technically, how printed with small circulation (200 books per issue average) in contrast to traditional publishing and printing?
offset printing requires high print runs for "cheaper" unit price. And start from a premise, I think wrong, that simply print cheap, to secure the sale. And it is not. Many authors are left with a large percentage of his books, cast aside, suffocated by the lack of air.

The traditional alternative is a world in which technical and aesthetic aspects are very important, but not the alternative to large print runs.

digital technology allows the production of rolls to order. The 200 copies are the equilibrium point. You get affordable costs, and is a number that allows authors to the editorial, effectively promote and distribute them to interested readers.

The writer-editor supporting the questions of your server.

These By now we have emptied three bottles, which appear out of nowhere, I continue to serve drinks and attacks with another question (a question that bothers you, answers all.) Since you mentioned digital, why insist on the physical, read paper, when it is so fashionable and in vogue today virtual publishing (eg PDF) where anyone can publish (and where obviously there are many unscrupulous people who only make Business sacrificing quality)?
Two approaches. A and pointed. We are in a world of transition from industrial age to the world of ICT, but the microwave does not displace a good traditional dish. Because and here's the second reason, says Eduardo Galeano, and with much reason, that we sentipensantes. We are not only inheritors of the Greco-Roman culture, rationalist, sexist, analytical, phallic, but also of indigenous traditions, which have a sensory perception of the world, an intuitive approach, maternal, concave, synthetic.
And do not forget the reason, rationalism was not always recognized the unique human capacity, so has been the will, mercy, goodness, emotionality. Moreover, the delay of thousands of years to get to the reading of a few less for the Age of Pericles, and many, many least from the Greek to the Renaissance, we can understand the epistemological revolutions increasingly delayed as that of sending men to the moon in RCT [Scientific-technical Revolution]
spent only 30 years so that as we go in a few months more, we fail to affirm or deny something when we have no reason, falling into madness neoenciclopedista no return is useless.
We propose to leave the race to reach the on-off binary and back to the table as our only life raft in her bread and wine, the reasons and emotions, the kindness and stubbornness, skirts and pants, and the rest idle: A book, with the smell of ink and paper, erasures, notes, and dreams. Harmonically

with digital, because on every page we turn to elucidate the mysteries leave fingerprint printed as my great grandfather Albert, who was so illiterate as wise and digital. He signed with the finger.

As mentioned quality
what is the criterion for selection of authors?
The authenticity of the work. A collection of poems by a youth workshop has as much or more valid than the work of a dedicated poet. Signals that stimulate the debate, the thematic diversity, the account of diverse cultural realities, different geographies of the region. The works are paving the way for themselves, they choose to be written, find the air and be free.
And how can agree to work with you.
inviting us to share the dreams.

And how they plan, according to its projections (to edit 70 books a year) do not fall into the institutionalization (ie official circuit) Chilean publishing.

the same way that the ideas we tried to do away with the bodies of those who supported them, still alive and reading

should be noted that so far has published 19 titles in 6 collections and is in the folder (hopefully) dedicated to open a Visual Arts course called "Rafael Ampuero". The detail of what is published is as follows:
Collection Magical Beast (Poetry) - "The Good Days - Omar Lara.
- "Taxi Driver" - Egor Mardones.
- "The zebra magic and the valley" - Felipe Burgos. - "Spells, strategies and hallucinations" - Rodrigo Piracés. - "Exultation" - Mayor Alfonso Regional Competition with Balmaceda Corporation.
Collection Alfonso Alcalde "(Narrative)

-" Tales from the Amnesia "- Darwin Rodríguez.
- "Hunting on an iceberg" (in press) - Ambrosio Blest.

Collection Rafael Miranda "(Test)
-" Three Theses on Tome "Anibal Navarrete - "Homeopathy in agricultural production and pet care" - Álvaro Marín and Alejandro Montero
- "August 1973. Head to blow in the Navy "- Danny Monsalve.
- "Mechanics of Popular Music" - Angel Rogel - "Jorge Sandoval Surviving Pinochet" - Peter Bidwell - "The Young Nelson, Nelson Gutierrez Speech" - Compiler INEDH (Strategic Studies Institute for Human Development) .
- "Pentecostal Women: construction of gender through the experience" - Zicri Orellana Rojas. Monographs Collection

- "History of Quilaco" - César Sepúlveda Ramírez. - "Eight Verses" - Anselmo Vargas.
- "Train of Remembrance" - Alberto Parra Maraboli (posthumous). Theatre Collection

- "Three scenes in the life of Alicia (s)" - Angela Neira Muñoz.
Collection "Pisan" (Emerging)

- "Fosacomún" - Writing workshop Tome secondary schools, selection of Egor Mardones.

Launching of "Taxi Driver" Egor Mardones International Fair the Book of James, 2010. ( )

The bottles have gone through an insane speed, so little before losing consciousness that I have (optimistically called that), I ask him later some of the future. He apparently does not understand (or will not understand) the intent of my question and takes some cards, the kind that used to play the trick and Brisco, and throws them on the table. , I asked to close your eyes, I follow the game, and starts talking.

It is 2011. The power will continue to focus on a few families. The confluence of the stars announce climate changes, acid rain in China and Parra without the Nobel. Shared rental of the Mapuche in Easter Island. The poetic income redistribution is postponed to the next legislative session. Marta Harnecker returns to Chile [has been something great]. Egor Mardones appointing someone in the Ministry of Culture and the Arts, but do not receive the "agreement." Outdoor is in serious trouble to publish both operator decides to breathe.
campaigns are advancing. Vote x Pisan.

When I open my eyes Darwin no longer is in fact not the little office there, I find myself lying on the sandy beach of El Morro. Tomé Undoubtedly not surprising to me (hopefully stays that way), I returned with some difficulty, I look at the sky and I definitely realize that the skies of the Galaxy not only flying seagulls.
I walk away, I took back is, in my head echoes the words of the poem "Taxi Libre" Egor Mardones, which states that "
From now on, everything is world ...

- Interview with Rodriguez for Muñozcoloma Darwin. Tomé. December 11, 2010.
- Blog Publishing "outdoors".
- Magazine Buttress. Culture and Current Literature. "Egor Mardones Taxi Driver." January 14, 2010.

His comments darwinrcore @


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