Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Play Indoor Basketball New Jersey

From the pedestal where
felt was an eternal light and fell to be happy.
opened a gap with another blow
that had not yet healed and will not ever.

the pedestal where it is now felt
lower, earthly, light has
end, it makes sense.
fell again, this time by the weight of something alien,
and irreparable injury was even greater than before-even draining
-along to the beat incurable.

At the time, barely a curb was the pedestal where I felt,
light was a reflection of another light in different eyes,
fall rebound from the blows of another day.
A new scar-painfully accumulated next to the above:
hopeless, draining, incurable.

and not about - care, harm! - Where I felt the old pedestal.
switch off and forgotten in eternal
behind a wall of self-imposed right.
scars in reverse chronological order:
... painful, hopeless, draining, incurable.

The last sentiment (the ego, fear, bright smile, hope, sleep)
be kept forever to rise, and no room for scars,
the podium unending mortal wound.


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