Monday, July 19, 2010

Where Can I Buy Thick Paper

Waking the morning sun, the salt
forgotten in someone else's skin, the sweet caress
cool night sand
the smell of all smells.

regain the time lost between the rocks outside,
that look wet
hidden in the waves and the feeling of being finally
as eternal as that
shooting star or the aircraft lost. I ask

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Saturday Dentist Austin Texas

responses to wind while watching the clouds
watch me and, without thinking a second about it,
understand that the clouds are not very talkative
and need not look elsewhere but read
clear lines
my eyes reflected in the glass of the reason for
understand that nothing makes sense. Want

Friday, July 2, 2010

Roller Skating Parties In Nyc

have wanted,
want, love, need,
wonder, plan,
feel if it is for other
are the major forms of weakness

dehumanization of being rational and perfect once power.